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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Volleyball


Sports; Volleyball

This is the player that determines the teams attack strategy and passes the ball accordingly.


Sports; Volleyball

This means to move a back row setter to the front row so they can set the ball. This then frees up a front row setter to become a third smasher.

playing fault

Sports; Volleyball

When a player commits a foul. The penalty is loss of rally.


Sports; Volleyball

When a team is successful in a rally it is awarded one point.

power attacker

Sports; Volleyball

This position leads attacks and tries to score points.


Sports; Volleyball

The offensive team hits the ball over the net and if they score a point they win the rally. If the defense keeps them from scoring a point then the defense wins the rally.

combination attack

Sports; Volleyball

This is when two offensive players both approach the net to try and keep the other team from knowing which offensive player will be taking the shot.