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Of or pertaining to the transmission of information over a distance, and the technology used to achieve this communication.

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Telecommunications > General telecom

Service Control Point (SCP)

Telecommunications; General telecom

The SCP node is a logical entity that provides functions common to all applications, overload controls, and maintenance.


Telecommunications; General telecom

The science that deals with hidden, disguised, or encrypted communications. It includes communications security and communications intelligence. 2. The field encompassing both ...


Telecommunications; General telecom

The science of radiation measurement. See Table of Radiometric Terms. TABLE OF RADIOMETRIC TERMS Term Symbol Quantity Unit radiant energy Q energy joule (J) radiant power ...


Telecommunications; General telecom

The science of generating and harnessing light as well as other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon.

free routing

Telecommunications; General telecom

The routing of messages in such a manner that they are forwarded toward their destination or addressee over any available channel without dependence upon predetermined routing.

normal routing

Telecommunications; General telecom

The routing of a given signaling traffic stream under normal conditions (in the absence of failures. )

alternate routing

Telecommunications; General telecom

The routing of a call or message over a substitute route when a primary route is unavailable for immediate use. 2. In signaling, the process of allocating substitute routes for a ...