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Of or pertaining to the state of the atmosphere and/or the science of monitoring, measuring and interpreting meteorological changes.

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Weather > Meteorology

mixing potential

Weather; Meteorology

The amount of turbulent mixing necessary to eliminate any static and dynamic instabilities in the atmosphere. Because atmospheric circulations that include turbulent eddies have ...

mixing zone

Weather; Meteorology

Zone separating regions of two different fluids through which a gradient exists to mix the fluid properties.

mixing fog

Weather; Meteorology

Fog, light and of short duration, produced by the mixing of two moist but nonsaturated air masses with different temperatures.

mixing cloud

Weather; Meteorology

A cloud formed when two subsaturated volumes of moist air with different temperatures and vapor pressures mix isobarically and adiabatically to form a volume of moist air with an ...


Weather; Meteorology

1. The result of irregular fluctuations in fluid motions on all scales from the molecular to large eddies. Gradients of conservative properties such as potential temperature, ...

mixed-layer venting

Weather; Meteorology

Removal of pollutants out of the top of the atmospheric boundary layer through the mixed-layer capping inversion. Normally pollutants cannot escape through the capping inversion. ...

mixed-layer depth

Weather; Meteorology

The thickness, ''z'' i, of the mixed layer, defined as the location of a capping temperature inversion or statically stable layer of air. Often associated with, or measured by, ...