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Of or pertaining to the state of the atmosphere and/or the science of monitoring, measuring and interpreting meteorological changes.

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Weather > Meteorology

mixed-layer spectra

Weather; Meteorology

Fourier analysis spectra of velocity variance for the atmospheric mixed layer that exhibit universal similarity characteristics when properly normalized by mixed-layer scaling ...

mixed tide

Weather; Meteorology

A tidal regime where both the diurnal and semidiurnal components are significant.

yanai wave

Weather; Meteorology

An eastward propagating equatorial wave that has a meridional velocity component symmetric about the equator and a zonal velocity component anti-symmetric about the MCC. For large ...

mixed-layer capping inversion

Weather; Meteorology

The statically stable layer of air at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer. Because the troposphere is statically stable on the average (i.e., potential temperature increases ...

mixed-layer models

Weather; Meteorology

An approximation that treats the atmospheric boundary layer as though variables such as potential temperature, momentum, pollutants, and humidity were uniform with height. This ...

mixed-layer evolution

Weather; Meteorology

The three-part change of the atmospheric boundary layer that typically occurs during fair weather over land on sunny days. In the early morning, the mixed layer is shallow, slowly ...

mixed nucleus

Weather; Meteorology

A cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) composed of both soluble hygroscopic matter and insoluble, possibly wettable, matter. Its mixed composition probably results from a coagulation ...