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Airplanes & equipment
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Airplanes & equipment
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
(1) The heights above the earth's surface of the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena that is reported as "broken," "overcast," or "obscuration," and not classified as "thin" or "partial". ...
center of gravity (c/g)
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
The longitudinal and lateral point in an aircraft where it is stable; the static balance point.
certificated airport
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
An airport operating under FAR Part 139. The FAA issues airport operating certificates to all airports serving scheduled or unscheduled air carrier aircraft designed for more than 30 passenger seats. ...
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
The measurable distance between the leading and trailing edges of a wingform.
class g airspace (uncontrolled airspace)
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
Airspace not designated as Class A, B, C, D or E Controlled Airspace.