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Airplanes & equipment
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Airplanes & equipment
constant-speed propeller
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
A hydraulically-controlled propeller that governs an engine at its optimum speed by the blade pitch being increased or decreased automatically.
contact flight
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
Navigation in which altitude and flight path can be maintained by visual reference to the ground and its landmarks. Similar to VFR.
contour flight
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
Contact Flight in and around mountainous areas following visual reference to the terrain's countours.
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
Trailing streak of condensed water vapor created in the air by heat from an aircraft engine at high altitudes; aka VAPOR TRAIL.
controlled airspace
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
An airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided to IFR flights and to VFR flights in accordance with the airspace classification. Controlled airspace is a ...
visual flight rules (VFR) on top
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
Flight in which a cloud ceiling exists but modified visual flight rules (VFN) are in effect if the aircraft travels above the cloud layer.
ventral fin
Aviation; Airplanes & equipment
A fin/rudder extension on the bottom of a fuselage. Opposite of DORSAL FIN.