Home > Industry/Domain > Agriculture > Animal feed

Animal feed

Of or relating to the food products given to farmed animals.

Contributors in Animal feed

Animal feed


Agriculture; Animal feed

A building or terminal where grain is elevated and transferred to an alternate mode of transportation (e.g. truck to rail, rail to ship).


Agriculture; Animal feed

Device attached to a moving chain that produces an electrical signal each time the chain moves a fixed distance. The encoder is attached to the chain and used to track the movement of the pieces ...


Agriculture; Animal feed

The ability or capacity to do work. Measured in units of work.

countersunk inlet

Agriculture; Animal feed

Inlets in a pellet die that have been countersunk, normally 55 to 60 degrees. Acts to encourage material into the holes of the pellet die.

counterbalance valve

Agriculture; Animal feed

A pressure control valve which maintains back pressure to prevent a load from falling.

counterbore depth

Agriculture; Animal feed

Refers to different shapes and depth configurations of the outlets of a pellet die hole. Types include: Straight/Standard, Tapered and Variable Counterbore.

cottonseed whole

Agriculture; Animal feed

Whole cottonseed may be used as a feed for mature cattle. It is usually soaked in water and fed in small quantities as a supplement to green feed.

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