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Animal feed
Of or relating to the food products given to farmed animals.
Industry: Agriculture
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Animal feed
Agriculture; Animal feed
Pharmaceutical or nutritional substances that are not natural feedstuffs, which are added to made-up and stored feeds for various purposes. Chiefly to control infectious disease, promote growth, feed ...
Agriculture; Animal feed
A device for converting pneumatic or hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. A motor or cylinder.
Agriculture; Animal feed
A unit of area used in English-speaking countries, equal to 4,840 square yards (0.405 hectares).
Agriculture; Animal feed
When applied to feed is used to enhance the stomach acidity, reduce pH and salmonella infection as well as improving pig performance.
acid detergent insoluble protein (ADIP)
Agriculture; Animal feed
Is the insoluble protein fraction, which is unavailable to the animal due to heat damage. Also referred to as acid detergent insoluble crude protein (ADICP).
acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN)
Agriculture; Animal feed
A measure of the nitrogen remaining in the acid detergent fibre residue of a feed sample. Usually considered to be an indicator of heat damage that can occur during storage or processing.
acid detergent fibre (ADF)
Agriculture; Animal feed
The fibrous, least-digestible portion of roughage. ADF consists of the highly indigestible parts of the forage, including lignin, cellulose, silica and insoluble forms of nitrogen.