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Terms from various encyclopedias and reference books.

Contributors in Encyclopedias



Language; Encyclopedias

A celebrated Greek lyric poet, born in Sicily; contemporary of Sappho, Aleacus, and Pittacus; at his birth it is said a nightingale alighted on his lips and sang a sweet strain (632-652 B.C.).

Jacques-Auguste de Thou

Language; Encyclopedias

A celebrated historian, born at Paris; enjoyed the favour of Henry III., and by Henry IV. was appointed keeper of the royal library; his history of his own times is a work of great value as a clear ...

Aretino Spinello

Language; Encyclopedias

A celebrated Italian fresco-painter, born at Arezzo, where, with visits to Florence, his life was chiefly spent; was in his day the rival of Giotto, but few of his frescoes are preserved, and such of ...

Sigismund Thalberg

Language; Encyclopedias

A celebrated pianist, born at Geneva; early displayed a talent for music and languages; was intended and trained for a diplomatic career, but, overcoming his father's scruples, followed his bent for ...


Language; Encyclopedias

A celebrated Roman Catholic college in East Lancashire, 10 m. N. of Blackburn; established in 1794 by certain Jesuit fathers who, after the suppression of their seminary at St. Omer, in France, by ...


Language; Encyclopedias

A censer suspended by chains and held in the hand by a priest during mass and other offices of the Romish Church.


Language; Encyclopedias

A central duchy of Austria, stretching in a semicircle from Upper Austria and Salzburg on the NW. to Croatia and Slavonia on the SE., and flanked by Hungary on the E.; a mountainous region crossed by ...

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