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Terms from various encyclopedias and reference books.

Contributors in Encyclopedias



Language; Encyclopedias

Capital of the Swiss canton of Valais, on the Rhine, 42 m. E. of Lausanne; is a mediaeval town, with an old Gothic cathedral, and in the neighbourhood ruined castles.


Language; Encyclopedias

Capital of Vigo County, Indiana, stands on a plateau overlooking the Wabash, 178 m. S. of Chicago; is situated in a rich coal district, and has numerous foundries and various factories; is well ...


Language; Encyclopedias

Capital of Wurtemberg, stands amid beautiful vine-clad hills in a district called the "Swabian Paradise," on an affluent of the Neckar, 127 m. SE. of Frankfort; is a handsome city with several royal ...


Language; Encyclopedias

Capital since 1878 of Bulgaria; is a fortified town, situated in the broad valley of the Isker, a tributary of the Danube, 75 m. NW. of Philippopolis; has recently largely undergone reconstruction, ...


Language; Encyclopedias

Capital, since 1871, of Alsace-Lorraine, on the Ill, a few miles above its confluence with the Rhine, 89 m. N. of Basel; a place of great strategical importance, and a fortress of the first class; is ...


Language; Encyclopedias

Carlyle's humorsome name in "Sartor" for the architects of the customs and costumes woven for human wear by society, the inventors of our spiritual toggery, the truly poetic class.


Language; Encyclopedias

Celebrated Athenian general and statesman; rose to political power on the ostracism of Aristides, his rival; persuaded the citizens to form a fleet to secure the command of the sea against Persian ...

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