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Terms from various encyclopedias and reference books.

Contributors in Encyclopedias


James Syme

Language; Encyclopedias

A great surgeon, born in Edinburgh; was demonstrator under Liston; was elected to the chair of Clinical Surgery in 1833; gave up the chair to succeed Liston in London in 1848, but returned a few ...

Tale of a Tub

Language; Encyclopedias

A great work of Swift's, characterised by Professor Saintsbury as "one of the very greatest books of the world, in which a great drift of universal thought receives consummate literary form ... the ...


Language; Encyclopedias

A Grecian herald who accompanied the Greeks in the Trojan War, and whom Homer describes as "the great-hearted, brazen-voiced Stentor, whose shout was as loud as that of fifty other men," hence the ...


Language; Encyclopedias

A Greek Neoplatonic philosopher of the 5th century; had Proclus for a disciple; left a valuable commentary on the metaphysics of Aristotle.

Timon of Phlius

Language; Encyclopedias

A Greek philosopher, a disciple of Pyrrho, flourished 280 B.C.; wrote a satirical poem on the whole Greek philosophy up to date, which is the source of our knowledge of his master's opinions. Also ...

Achilles Tatius

Language; Encyclopedias

A Greek romancer who flourished about the beginning of the 4th century A.D.; wrote the romance of "Leucippe and Cleitophon."


Language; Encyclopedias

A group of islands in the Aegean Sea, of which the largest is the Mitylene.

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