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Environmental conservation
Terms related to protecting natural resources including plant and animal species as well as their habitat for the future.
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Environmental conservation
bored well
Environment; Environmental conservation
A well drilled with a large truck-mounted boring auger, usually 12 inches or more in diameter and seldom deeper than 100 feet.
Environment; Environmental conservation
A hole advanced into the ground by means of a drilling rig.
boussinesq equation
Environment; Environmental conservation
The general equation for two-dimensional unconfined transient flow.
Environment; Environmental conservation
Highly salty and heavily mineralized water containing heavy metal and organic contaminants.
calcium carbonate
Environment; Environmental conservation
CACO3 - a white precipitate that forms in water lines, water heaters and boilers in hard water areas; also known as scale.
Environment; Environmental conservation
A surficial gravel and sand conglomerate cemented by calcium carbonate.
Environment; Environmental conservation
Also called hardpan; an opaque, reddish-brown-to-white calcareous material, which occurs in layers near the surface of stony soils in arid and semiarid areas.