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Environmental conservation
Terms related to protecting natural resources including plant and animal species as well as their habitat for the future.
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Environmental conservation
lag time
Environment; Environmental conservation
The time from the center of a unit storm to the peak discharge or center of volume of the corresponding unit hydrograph.
Environment; Environmental conservation
A shallow pond where sunlight, bacterial action, and oxygen work to purify wastewater. Lagoons are typically used for the storage of wastewaters, sludges, liquid wastes, or spent nuclear fuel.
Environment; Environmental conservation
An inland body of water, usually fresh water, formed by glaciers, river drainage etc. Usually larger than a pool or pond.
laminar flow
Environment; Environmental conservation
That type of flow in which the fluid particles follow paths that are smooth, straight, and parallel to the channel walls. In laminar flow, the viscosity of the fluid damps out turbulent motion. ...
landscape impoundment
Environment; Environmental conservation
Body of reclaimed water which is used for aesthetic enjoyment or which otherwise serves a function not intended to include contact recreation.
laplace equation
Environment; Environmental conservation
The partial differential equation governing steady-state flow of ground water.