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Environmental policy
Policy related to managing human activities with a view to prevent, reduce, or mitigate harmful effects on nature and natural resources.
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Environmental policy
Environment; Environmental policy
American scientist who investigated the quality of water supply in Massachusetts. Her research helped to set up the first standards of water quality.
Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)
Environment; Environmental policy
EPEAT, which stands for Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool, is an easy-to-use, on-line tool for evaluating and ranking the green features of computer equipment, based on a set of ...
Environment; Environmental policy
The term ‘greenwash’ (a portmanteau of ‘green’ and ‘wash’, on the pattern of ‘whitewash’) denotes the deceptive adoption of a green facade and the use of public relations or marketing strategies in ...
environmental stewardship
Environment; Environmental policy
Environmental stewardship is the social responsibility for environmental quality and protection shared by all those whose actions affect the environment. It involves coordinated planning and ...
Environment; Environmental policy
The adoption of or alignment with the environmentally friendly ideals or practices of the Green movement.
Environment; Environmental policy
Environmentalism is both the philosophy and social movement advocating the protection of the natural environment from man-made destruction and pollution; specifically the social and political ...
Environment; Environmental policy
Cleantech is a shortened form of "clean technologies", an umbrella term used to describe an investment philosophy seeking to profit from environmentally friendly technologies. Cleantech firms focus ...