Contributors in Fish processing
Fish processing
thermal centre
Fishing; Fish processing
The point in a product that has the highest temperature after chilling or freezing, or the lowest temperature after thawing, or has the lowest temperature in the contents of a container during heat ...
thermal conductivity
Fishing; Fish processing
The quantity of heat conducted through unit area and thickness of a material in unit time, under the influence of unit temperature difference.
Fishing; Fish processing
Describes micro-organisms termed thermophiles or thermophilic bacteria that grow best at elevated temperatures in the range 55 to 75°C. Bacillus stearothermophilus is an extremely heat resistant ...
thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value
Fishing; Fish processing
A measure of the amount of reaction products of oxidation of lipids. It is based on measurement of the amount of malondialdehyde, a major oxidation product.
total viable count (TVC)
Fishing; Fish processing
A frequently performed microbiological count. It is the number of bacteria growing on a non-specific solid bacteriological growth medium under the specified conditions. A sample of product is blended ...
aerobic plate count, standard plate count (spc)
Fishing; Fish processing
A frequently performed microbiological count. It is the number of bacteria growing on a non-specific solid bacteriological growth medium under the specified conditions. A sample of product is blended ...
total volatile bases (TVB)
Fishing; Fish processing
The amount of basic, nitrogen-containing chemicals distilled from an alkalized extract or suspension of a fishery product. The bases, amines, in the distillate are determined by titration with ...