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General language

Use this category for general terms related to languages.

Contributors in General language

General language

elamite language

History; Ancient history

The elamite language is an extinct language that was spoken in the ancient Elamite Empire (Elam)which spanned present-day Iran from 2800-550 BCE. It is a language isolate (although it is possibly ...


Language; General language

An informal word that refers either to a carefee and spirited adventure, or to a harmless prank. The verb 'to lark' is simlar to the verb 'to frolic',which means 'to have a good time by frolicking'.


Language; General language

Something which can be done, not necessarily easily, but the target can be achieved anyway. When you say something is "doable", it means that in a way or another, you can do it without too much ...


Language; General language

A foodaholic is someone who's addictive to food,someone who loves food and eats all the time, it might became a sickness but most of the time when someone calls himself a foodaholic he only wants to ...


Transportation; Subway

The discipline of attentive observation of people's behavior while in the tube, tube stations etc. From trying tracing the geographical area of provenience by someone's facial or bodily features, to ...


Language; General language

Tunisians use this word to describe either the big quantity of something or as an Arab equivalent for the word "Alot" in English, for example , Tunisians say : We love you Barsha which means we love ...


Language; General language

Multilingual describes anything related to more than two languages. For example, a multilingual classroom will incorporate the use of more than two languages in its lessons.

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