Contributors in Genetics
Biology; Genetics
Term applied to a group of organisms which includes the most recent common ancestor of all of its members, but not all of the descendants of that most recent common ancestor. More?
Biology; Genetics
The grouping of organisms based on common morphology; does not imply evolutionary relationships. For example, fossil eggs can be assigned to parataxons without any knowledge of which specific ...
Biology; Genetics
A chromosome in which the centromere is situated at or very near one end.
Transcription factor
Biology; Genetics
Protein that binds to a specific DNA sequence and is involved in the transcription of DNA into RNA.
Truncating mutation
Biology; Genetics
A mutation that introduces a premature translational "stop" signal into a gene, causing a shortened (truncated) protein to be made. Such proteins are often unstable and are degraded by the cell.
Tumour suppressor gene
Biology; Genetics
Gene that plays a role in controlling cell survival and division. If both copies of a tumour suppressor gene are deleted or inactivated, these controlling functions are lost and unrestrained ...
X-linked inheritance
Biology; Genetics
Males have only one allele of (almost) every gene on the X chromosome, so a recessive mutation in one of those genes may cause disease. Inheritance of the disease is said to be X-linked. Examples ...