Contributors in Graphic design
Graphic design
shadow detail
Design; Graphic design
Shadow detail refers to the amount of detail held in the dark areas of an image. If the shadow is lightened too much in an attempt to expose more detail, the risk is there to reduce the overall ...
Design; Graphic design
To reduce in color strength, as when halftone dots become smaller; opposite of cmk thicken or dot spread.
raster image processor (RIP)
Design; Graphic design
Transfers fonts and graphics into raster images, which are used by the printer to draw onto the page.
Design; Graphic design
The resolution of an image is an important factor in deciding the attainable output quality. The higher the resolution of an image, the less pixilated it will be and the curves of the image will ...
red green blue (RGB)
Design; Graphic design
RGB is the colour model used to project color on a computer monitor. By conbining these three colors, a large percentage of the visible color spectrum can be represented.
rich media
Design; Graphic design
Rich media are banner ads that use technology more developed than standard GIF animation, for example; Flash, Shockwave, Streaming video etc.
Design; Graphic design
A design or program is said to scale if it is relevantly efficient and reasonable when applied to larger situations.