Contributors in Graphic design
Graphic design
Design; Graphic design
This is when graphics and/or text are not identical on both sides of a central line.
animated gif
Design; Graphic design
A small animation based on continuous GIF images, giving the impression of movement or action.
art director
Design; Graphic design
The individual responsible for the selection, execution, production, so on, of graphic art.
anchor point
Design; Graphic design
Anchor points allow the user to manipulate a path's shape or direction by clicking the point and moving it in a direction. They appear along the path at every curve and at the beginning and end of a ...
alpha channel
Design; Graphic design
The process of incorporating an image with a background to create the appearance of partial transparency. Alpha channels are used to create masks that allow you to confine or protect parts of an ...
Design; Graphic design
Refers to a form of data compression where the detail is maintained and no data is lost after file downsizing. The lossless compression method is often used in TIFF and GIF formats.