Contributors in Graphic design
Graphic design
Design; Graphic design
A filter is a pre-created effect that can be applied to images to acquire a certain look.
Design; Graphic design
This is a printing technique where printing plates are made of rubber or soft plastic material and then stretched around a drum on the press that rotates.
Design; Graphic design
A single sheet of paper handed out or posted on a wall to advertise or announce something.
foil stamp
Design; Graphic design
The procedure of pressing a heated die on top of a sheet of foil, which fress the foil from its backing and attachs itself to a surface.
Design; Graphic design
A river is a typographic term for the ugly white gaps that can appear in justified columns of type, when there is too much space between words on concurrent lines of text. Rivers are particularly ...
Design; Graphic design
To give a three dimensional effect to a text or an image by using highlights and shadows on the sides of the illustration.
drop shadow
Design; Graphic design
Is a visual effect added to an image to give the impression the image is raised above the image’s behind by duplicating the shadow.