Contributors in Graphic design
Graphic design
Design; Graphic design
To print additional material or another color over a previously printed image.
over run
Design; Graphic design
Additional printed material beyond order. Overage policy differs in the printing industry, usually within 10% of the original quantity run.
page layout
Design; Graphic design
Deals with the setup and style of content on a page. An example of a page layout is the pages in magazines or brochures.
page size
Design; Graphic design
A setting that allows the user to define the size of the page they are creating their artwork on.
pantone matching system
Design; Graphic design
Used for defining and blending match colors. It accommodates designers with swatches of over 700 colors and gives printers the formulas for making those colors.
Design; Graphic design
A basic unit of measurement in typography. One pica equals 12 points, and 6 picas equal approximately 1 inch.
Design; Graphic design
Shorthand term for picture element, or the smallest point or dot on a computer monitor.