Contributors in Graphic design
Graphic design
Design; Graphic design
A propellant using compressed air that to spray a liquid, such as paint, and ink.Often used in used in illustration and photo retouching.
word processing program
Design; Graphic design
A software application package that assists in creating, editing, and printing.
what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)
Design; Graphic design
This is an approximate screen representation of what the final printed image will look like.
zone information protocol (ZIP)
Design; Graphic design
A way of compressing files into a smaller size, so they can be transferred with more ease over the Internet or any other means.
unsharp mask
Design; Graphic design
A method used to heighten the sharpness or focus of images by selecting and increasing the contrast of pixels alongside the edges of images.
web-safe colors
Design; Graphic design
A color table containing only 216 out of a possible 256 colors, used to accurately match the colors of graphics and pictures in cross-platform Web browsers.