Contributors in Graphic design
Graphic design
royalty-free photos
Design; Graphic design
Intellectual property like photos and graphic images that are sold for a single standard fee. These can be used repeatedly by the purchaser only, but the company that sold the images usually still ...
Design; Graphic design
A Piece of paper, metal, plastic or rubber carrying an image to be duplicated using a printing press.
Design; Graphic design
The degree of a color or tonal value. The opacity of an image or object can range from transparent (0% opacity) to opaque (100% opacity). The ability to edit the opacity of specific objects allows ...
Design; Graphic design
Open Type font can include a set of glyphs defined as True Type or Type 1 curves. New font format created by Adobe and Microsoft.
orphan line
Design; Graphic design
The first line of a paragraph appearing on its own at the bottom on a page with the remaining part of the paragraph appearing on the next page.
Design; Graphic design
Refers to the outside edge of a font or to the outer edge of a vector graphic image, drawn in a package such as Illustrator or Freehand.
Design; Graphic design
Layer of material taped to a mechanical, photo or proof. Acetate overlays are used to divide colors by having some type or art on them instead of on the mounting board. Tissue overlays are used to ...