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Immunology is the study of the structuree and function of the immune system which is responsible for the protection from invading foreign macromolecules or organisms. It is a broad branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune system in organisms. It deals with the physiological functioning of the immune system in both healthy states and immunological disorders (autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, transplant rejection); the physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the components of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo.

Contributors in Immunology


coding joint

Biology; Immunology

A coding joint is formed by the imprecise joining of a V gene segment to a (D)J gene segment in immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor genes.

immunoglobulin G (IgG)

Biology; Immunology

IgG is the class of immunoglobulin characterized by γ heavy chains. It is the most abundant class of immunoglobulin found in the plasma.

common lymphoid progenitors

Biology; Immunology

Common lymphoid progenitors are stem cells that give rise to all lymphocytes. They are derived from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells.

CD3 complex

Biology; Immunology

The CD3 complex is the complex of α:β or γ:δ T-cell receptor chains with the invariant subunits CD3γ, δ, and ε, and the dimeric ζ chains.

oral tolerance

Biology; Immunology

The feeding of foreign antigens leads typically to a state of specific and active unresponsiveness, a phenomenon known as oral tolerance.

complement degraded fragments 3 (C3dg)

Biology; Immunology

C3dg is a breakdown product of C3b that remains attached to the microbial surface, where it can bind to CD21, the complement receptor CR2.


Biology; Immunology

Leukotrienes are lipid mediators of inflammation that are derived from arachidonic acid. They are produced by macrophages and other cells.

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