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Judaism is a religion of the Jewish people. It is a monotheistic religion originating in the Hebrew Bible. Judaism states that god stated the laws and comandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Judaism claims a 3,000 year continuous history.
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Religion; Judaism
A festival commemorating the wandering in the desert and the final harvest, known to Jews as Sukkot.
Taharat Ha-Mishpachah
Religion; Judaism
Lit. Family purity. Laws relating to the separation of husband and wife during the woman's menstrual period. Also referred to as the laws of niddah.
Religion; Judaism
Tale-bearing is a serious sin in Judaism. See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
tallit katan
Religion; Judaism
Lit. Small tallit. A four-cornered, poncho-like garment worn under a shirt so that we may have the opportunity to fulfill the commandment to put tzitzit (fringes) on the corners of our garments.