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Medicare & Medicaid
Medical insurance programs administered by the U.S. federal government that provide health care coverage for the elderly (people over 65) and certain people and families with low incomes and resources.
Industry: Insurance
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Medicare & Medicaid
maximum enrollee out-of-pocket costs
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
The beneficiary's maximum dollar liability amount for a specified period.
non-covered service
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
The service: * does not meet the requirements of a Medicare benefit category, * Is statutorily excluded from coverage on ground other than 1862(a)(1), or * is not reasonable and necessary under 1862 ...
catastrophic illness
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
A very serious and costly health problem that could be life threatening or cause life-long disability. The cost of medical services alone for this type of serious condition could cause you financial ...
disabled enrollee
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
An individual under age 65 who has been entitled to disability benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act or the Railroad Retirement system for at least 2 years and who is enrolled in the SMI ...
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
Hospice is a special way of caring for people who are terminally ill, and for their family. This care includes physical care and counseling. Hospice care is covered under Medicare Part A (Hospital ...
enrollment period
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
A certain period of time when you can join a Medicare health plan if it is open and accepting new Medicare members. If a health plan chooses to be open, it must allow all eligible people with ...
disproportionate share hospital
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
A hospital with a disproportionately large share of low-income patients. Under Medicaid, States augment payment to these hospitals. Medicare inpatient hospital payments are also adjusted for this ...