Contributors in Movies


Off book

Entertainment; Movies

When an actor has completely memorized their lines and cues, they are described as being off-book -- no longer in need of their script.


Entertainment; Movies

The process of preliminary editing done in a lower-cost editing facility, to prepare a list of edits for on-line.

Off-line Editor

Entertainment; Movies

A person who performs the off-line work, completing preliminary editing done in a lower-cost editing facility, to prepare a list of edits for the final, or on-line editor.


Entertainment; Movies

The process of final editing and preparation for distribution of film, with edits often from a list of changes created during off-line.

On-line Editor

Entertainment; Movies

A person who performs the on-line work, who completes the final editing and preparation for distribution of film, with edits often from a list of changes created by the off-line editor.


Entertainment; Movies

An artist who colours in the individual cells of an animated film.


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Opens, Opened, Opening. The time at which a movie is first released in theatres. Movies will often open at different times in different countries/regions.

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