Contributors in Movies



Entertainment; Movies

A movie whose dramatic story structure includes unrealistic episodes of musical perfomance and/or dancing.

National Film Theatre

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: NFT. Main showcase cinema in the UK. Located in London, England.

National Association of Theatre Owners

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: NATO. NATO helps exhibition influence federal policy-making and work with movie distributors on all areas of mutual concern, from new technologies to legislation, marketing, and First ...


Entertainment; Movies

NO ONE 17 AND UNDER ADMITTED. Also Known As: NC-17, X-Rated, X Rated, X. A certificate issued by the MPAA indicating that no person aged 17 or under will be allowed to attend a screening of the ...

Negative Cost

Entertainment; Movies

The cost of a movie through the production of a finished negative, not including the costs of prints, advertising, or distribution.

Negative Cutter

Entertainment; Movies

A person who matches the negative of a movie and conforms (matches) it to the final version of the film as decided by the filmmakers. From this negative the prints are made.

Negative Pickup

Entertainment; Movies

An agreement where a distributor acquires a finished negative and agrees to pay P&A and distribution costs. As opposed to deals where the distributor is involved during production.

Featured blossaries

2013 Best Movies

Category: Entertainment   1 4 Terms


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