Contributors in Movies



Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Cinemascope. An optical system which has different magnifications in the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the picture. See also aspect ratio, contrast with spherical. Cinemascope ...


Entertainment; Movies

James Cameron's 2009 epic motion picture, Avatar. Starring Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, Zoe Saldana, Giovanni Ribisi, Stephen Lang.


Information industry; Movies

The same as RSS: an acronym for Really Simple Syndication, RSS is a data format for syndicating frequently updated online content, including video clips, blog entries, and news reels, ...


Entertainment; Movies

Someone who operates puppets; these may be either physically controlled (e.g., worn), cable operated, or radio controlled. This may also refer to remote-controlled portions of a costume.


Entertainment; Movies

A member of the crew with expertise in fire or explosions.


Entertainment; Movies

A quarter of a year; three months. Used by production accountants and publicity departments for financial issues.


Entertainment; Movies

Slang for a pound sterling (UK).

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