Contributors in Movies



Entertainment; Movies

A sequence of pictures created by a production illustrator to communicate the desired general visual appearance on camera of a scene or movie.


Entertainment; Movies

Commonly working on television series, storyliners create the plot twists for a given story line, keeping in mind the past storylines for a given character or pairing, and the work with the writers ...

Story Producer

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Story Editor. Nonstandardized reality television term for a writer/producer who may be involved (at any level of pre to post production) in producing/editing source footage to create ...


Entertainment; Movies

A company that makes movies. Larger studios (such as the majors) have extensive in-house soundstages (also called "studio"s) where filming can be done.


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Gag. A non-trivial and often dangerous piece of physical action. Often performed by a stunt performer.

Stunt Co-Ordinator

Entertainment; Movies

A person who arranges and plans stunts.

Stunt Double

Entertainment; Movies

A stunt performer who specifically takes the part of another actor for a stunt. Stunt doubles rarely (if ever) speak, are typically chosen to resemble the actor that they are replacing as much as ...

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