Contributors in Movies


Sword and Sorcery

Entertainment; Movies

A colloquialism for a genre of film, usually set in days of old with magic as well as sword fighting


Entertainment; Movies

A summary of the major plot points and characters of a script, generally in a page or two. Contrast with treatment.


Entertainment; Movies

A single continuous recorded performance of a scene. A director typically orders takes to continue until he or she is satisfied that all of his or her requirements for the scene have been made, be ...


Entertainment; Movies

A general, informal term for actors (and possibly extras).


Entertainment; Movies

An early term for a film with sound and especially recorded spoken dialogue. It is typically used today to make a distinction between silent and sound films made in the late 1920's and early 1930's ...

Tape Recorder Operator

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Sound Recordist. A member of the sound crew responsible for operating the audio recording equipment on a set. See also boom operator.

Teaser Trailer

Entertainment; Movies

A short trailer that is generally released many months before a movie is actually released, to give a brief peek at what the movie will be like, and to build audience anticipation. Teaser trailers ...

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Category: Entertainment   2 6 Terms

Tanjung's Sample Blossary

Category: Entertainment   1 6 Terms