Contributors in Movies


Slow Motion

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Slow Mo, Slow-Mo. A shot in which time appears to move more slowly than normal. The process is commonly achieved by either repeating frames (see also freeze frame), or by overcranking. ...

Slug Line

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: slug. A header appearing in a script before each scene or shot detailing the location, date, and time that the following action is intended to occur in.

Sneak Preview

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Preview. An unannounced screening of a movie before the premiere, often used to gauge audience reaction and feedback for final editing. See also focus group.

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: SMPTE. An international technical society devoted to advancing the theory and application of motion-imaging technology including film, television, video, computer imaging, and ...

Society of Operating Cameramen

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: SOC. An honorary organization composed of several hundred men and women internationally, of outstanding and dedicated talent, who make their living operating film and/or video cameras ...

Sony Dynamic Digital Sound

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: SDDS. Sony has produced a noise reduction and sound enhancement process. Competitors include Dolby Digital and DTS.

Sound Crew

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Sound, Sound Engineer, Sound Assistant. The group of crewmembers directly involved with creating of a movie's soundtrack. Individual job titles include: sound designer, sound editor, ...

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