Contributors in Movies


Unit Publicist

Entertainment; Movies

Member of the publicity department who works on location during the production of a movie. Duties includes working with the residents of the location where the film is being made, as well as setting ...

Utility Person

Entertainment; Movies

The person responsible for various manual tasks, running errands, or performing whatever jobs other members of their crew assign them.


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Video, Direct to video. An IMDb notation to indicate that a particular title was originally released on video without a screening or being broadcast.


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Video game. An IMDb notation to indicate that a particular title is a video game.

Vertigo effect

Entertainment; Movies

A camera technique created by Alfred Hitchcock during his film Vertigo that involves tracking backwards while simultaneously zooming in, making the person or object in the center of the image seem ...

Video Assist

Entertainment; Movies

Motion picture cameras often include a video camera that allows instant review of a scene to monitor framing, focus, and performance. Both this system and the person operating it are referred to as ...

Video Cassette Recorder

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: VCR. A common household appliance for recording and/or playing prerecorded video tapes. See VHS, NTSC and PAL.

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