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Operating systems
Software that handles the basic functionality of hardware.
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Operating systems
clean install
Software; Operating systems
A clean install is a software installation in which any previous version is eradicated. The alternative to a clean install is an upgrade, in which elements of a previous version remain. The terms ...
Software; Operating systems
Andrew was a joint project between Carnegie-Mellon University and IBM to set up a distributed computing environment on the CMU campus. It was designed to serve 4,000 UNIX workstations. The project ...

Android OS
Software; Operating systems
Android OS is a Linux-based platform for mobile phones. Android was released under the Apache v2 open source license. Android was developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), a coalition ...
Software; Operating systems
1) Sybari's Antigen is antivirus software for Lotus Domino and Microsoft Exchange. 2) AntiGen (with a capital G) is freeware developed by Fresh Software to detect the presence of Back Orifice on a ...
Software; Operating systems
AUTOEXEC.BAT is a file containing Disk Operating System commands that are executable when the computer is booted (started). The commands in AUTOEXEC.BAT tell the operating system which application ...
autonomic computing
Software; Operating systems
Autonomic computing is a self-managing computing model named after, and patterned on, the human body's autonomic nervous system. An autonomic computing system would control the functioning of ...
Software; Operating systems
AutoRun is a feature of the Windows operating system that causes a certain file to open or a certain program to run automatically as soon as a compact disc (CD) is inserted into the CD drive. The ...