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Operating systems
Software that handles the basic functionality of hardware.
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Operating systems
domain controller
Software; Operating systems
Primary domain controller (PDC) and backup domain controller (BDC) are roles that can be assigned to a server in a network of computers that use the Windows NT operating system. Windows NT uses the ...
Software; Operating systems
Basis is a set of middleware programs and tools from SAP, the German company whose comprehensive R/3 product is used to help manage large corporations. SAP provides the underlying base (thus the ...
beep code
Software; Operating systems
A beep code is the audio signal given out by a computer to announce the result of a short diagnostic testing sequence the computer performs when first powering up (called the Power-On-Self-Test or ...
Software; Operating systems
BeOS is a personal computer operating system that its makers describe as designed for the multimedia applications of the future. Be founder Jean-Louis Gasse left Apple Computer in 1990 to create an ...
Software; Operating systems
Bison is a program that converts the formal description of a computer language grammar into a C language program that can parse the syntax and symbols of that grammar into instructions that the ...
Patch Tuesday
Software; Operating systems
Patch Tuesday is the second Tuesday of each month, when Microsoft releases the newest fixes for its Windows operating system and related software applications. Microsoft introduced Patch Tuesday in ...
Software; Operating systems
To boot (as a verb; also "to boot up") a computer is to load an operating system into the computer's main memory or random access memory (RAM). Once the operating system is loaded (and, for example, ...