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Patent & trademark
Terms related to patent and trademark applications and infringement litigations. A patent is a form of intellectual property and associated rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time. A trademark, on the other hand, is a distinctive mark or name used by an individual or business organization to identify and distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.
Industry: Law; Legal services
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Patent & trademark
priority claim
Legal services; Patent & trademark
claims under 35 USC 119(a)-(e) and 35 USC 120 for the benefit of the filing date of earlier filed applications.
search copy
Legal services; Patent & trademark
copy of an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty maintained by the International Searching Authority.
intellectual property
Legal services; Patent & trademark
Creations of the mind - creative works or ideas embodied in a form that can be shared or can enable others to recreate, emulate, or manufacture them. There are four ways to protect intellectual ...
precautionary designation
Legal services; Patent & trademark
designation of a Contracting State in an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty which must be confirmed prior to 15 months from the priority date.
non patent literature
Legal services; Patent & trademark
documents and publications that are not patents or published patent applications but are cited as references for being relevant in a patent prosecution. For example, a magazine article or doctoral ...
international search authority (ISA)
Legal services; Patent & trademark
either a national Office or an intergovernmental organization whose tasks include the establishment of documentary search reports on prior art with respect to inventions which are the subject of ...
international preliminary examining authority (IPEA)
Legal services; Patent & trademark
either a national Office or an intergovernmental organization whose tasks include the establishment of examination reports on inventions which are the subject of international applications.