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Personal banking
Referring to the business when banks carry out transactions with customers directly, rather than with other banking institutions or with large corporations.
Industry: Banking
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Personal banking
shiftability theory of liquidity
Banking; Personal banking
An explanation of bank liquidity that holds that a bank’s capacity to meet liquidity demands is related to the volume of its assets that can be readily shifted to another bank.
shareholder value added (SVA)
Banking; Personal banking
A financial performance metric that attempts to measure the benefit created for a firm's capital holders. It is expressed in dollar terms for a period - not as a percentage return ratio. SVA is an ...
Banking; Personal banking
(1) noun — The position of an investor who sells, or commits to sell, a security in either the cash or futures markets. For example, the sale of an interest rate future is a commitment to deliver ...
short sale
Banking; Personal banking
The sale of security that is not owned by the seller. The seller borrows the security, sells it, and then buys it at a later date to return it to the lender. The purpose of a short sale is to attempt ...
single monthly mortality rate (SMM)
Banking; Personal banking
A measure of the amount of monthly principal reduction in excess of the scheduled monthly principal payment. The SMM is simply the amount of prepaid principal in a given month expressed as a ...
single-payment loan
Banking; Personal banking
Another name for a time or balloon loan. A closed-end loan that does not require periodic principal payments. Instead, the full amount is due at maturity.
sinking fund
Banking; Personal banking
Cash set aside under restricted conditions as required by the terms of certain types of debt. See sinking fund bonds (sinkers).