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Physical organic chemistry
Physical organic chemistry is the study of the interrelationships between structure and reactivity in organic molecules. It a part of organic chemistry by using tools of physical chemistry such as chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, thermochemistry, and quantum chemistry.
Industry: Chemistry
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Physical organic chemistry
effective charge
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
Change in effective charge is a quantity obtained by comparison of the polar effect of substituents on the free energies of rate or equilibrium processes with that on a standard ionization ...
effective molarity
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
The ratio of the first-order rate constant of an intramolecular reaction involving two functional groups within the same molecular entity to the second-order rate constant of an analogous ...
effective concentration
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
The ratio of the first-order rate constant of an intramolecular reaction involving two functional groups within the same molecular entity to the second-order rate constant of an analogous ...
eighteen-electron rule
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
An electron-counting rule to which an overwhelming majority of stable diamagnetic transition metal complexes adhere. The number of nonbonded electrons at the metal plus the number of electrons in the ...
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
A leaving group that does not carry away the bonding electron pair. For example, in the nitration of benzene by NO 2 + , H + is the electrofuge. The adjective of electrofuge is electrofugal.
electron acceptor
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
(1) A substance to which an electron may be transferred; for example 1,4-dinitrobenzene or the dication 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridyldiium . + (2) A Lewis acid. This usage is discouraged.
electron affinity
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
The energy released when an additional electron (without excess energy) attaches itself to a molecular entity (usually an electrically neutral molecular entity). (The direct measurement of this ...