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Physical organic chemistry
Physical organic chemistry is the study of the interrelationships between structure and reactivity in organic molecules. It a part of organic chemistry by using tools of physical chemistry such as chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, thermochemistry, and quantum chemistry.
Industry: Chemistry
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Physical organic chemistry
electron density
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
If P(x,y,z) dx dy dz is the probability of finding an electron in the volume element dx dy dz at the point of a molecular entity with coordinates x,y,z, then P(x,y,z) is the electron density at this ...
electron donor
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
(1) A molecular entity that can transfer an electron to another molecular entity, or to the corresponding chemical species. + (2) A Lewis base. This use is discouraged.
electron transfer
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
The transfer of an electron from one molecular entity to another, or between two localized sites in the same molecular entity.
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
A measure of the power of an atom or a group of atoms to attract electrons from other parts of the same molecular entity. The concept has been quantified by a number of authors, including especially ...
electroneutrality principle
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
The principle expresses the fact that all pure substances carry a net charge of zero.
electronic configuration
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
A distribution of the electrons of an atom or a molecular entity over a set of one-electron wavefunctions called orbitals, according to the Pauli principle. From one configuration several states with ...