Home > Industry/Domain > Government; Law enforcement > Police
Special government unit empowered to enforce the law.
Industry: Government; Law enforcement
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municipal police
Law enforcement; Police
Also known as city police, denote the most important component of American law enforcement. Representing the majority of all law enforcement agencies and sworn officers, municipal police are ...
early warning system
Law enforcement; Police
A management information system that systematically compiles and analyzes data on problematic police officer behavior, citizen complaints, police officer use of force reports, and other indicators to ...
broken windows hypothesis
Law enforcement; Police
Developed by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling, argues that police should focus their resources on disorder problems that create fear of crime and lead to neighborhood decay.
Law enforcement; Police
Those who follow the pursuits of civil life and are not employed as sworn officers or officials.
reality shock
Law enforcement; Police
The astonishment a new police officer experiences when encountering the unpleasant aspects of dealing with the public, the criminal justice system, and the department during the first weeks and ...
racial profiling
Law enforcement; Police
The practice of making police stops solely on the basis of one's race or ethnicity and not because of criminal activity.
selective contact
Law enforcement; Police
A lack of cross-sectional contact and communication between police officers and a community that leads to misperceptions about public attitudes toward the police.
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