Home > Industry/Domain > Government; Law enforcement > Police
Special government unit empowered to enforce the law.
Industry: Government; Law enforcement
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Law enforcement; Police
To eliminate many of the rules and policies that stifle creativity and discourage problem solving within police organizations.
police-community relations
Law enforcement; Police
Relations between the police and racial and ethnic minority communities.
selective perception
Law enforcement; Police
The likelihood that police officers will remember traumatic or unpleasant incidents with citizens, even though only 2 to 5 percent of contacts involve hostility or conflict.
problem-oriented policing
Law enforcement; Police
A model of policing that stresses increased police response to identified crime problems.
illegal immigrant
Law enforcement; Police
An illegal immigrant is a person that enters a country throughout the proper channels, that is, without obtaining a visa with the host country.

stop and frisk
Law enforcement; Police
A controversial stop-and-search policy that allows a police officer to temporarily detain somebody and pat down the person's outer clothing when there are specific and articulable facts. Such facts ...

spa shooting
Law enforcement; Police
A Wisconsin man who had been accused of domestic violence and slashing his wife's tires took a gun into the spa where she worked Sunday and shot seven women, three fatally, before killing himself, a ...
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