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Seismic safety
Terms relating to the constuction of buildings that can withstand earthquakes.
Industry: Construction
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Seismic safety
required member resistance
Construction; Seismic safety
Load effect (force, moment, stress, action as appropriate) acting on an element or connection, determined by structural analysis from the factored loads and the critical load combinations.
Construction; Seismic safety
A method of repairing a cracked or deteriorating mortar joint in masonry. The damaged or deteriorated mortar is removed and the joint is refilled with new mortar.
reinforced masonry (RM) wall
Construction; Seismic safety
A masonry wall that is reinforced in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The sum of the areas of horizontal and vertical reinforcement must be at least 0.002 times the gross cross-sectional ...
rehabilitation strategy
Construction; Seismic safety
A technical approach for developing rehabilitation measures for a building to reduce its earthquake vulnerability.
rehabilitation objective
Construction; Seismic safety
A statement of the desired limits of damage or loss for a given seismic demand, which is usually selected by the owner, engineer, and/or relevant public agencies.
rehabilitation method
Construction; Seismic safety
A procedural methodology for the reduction of building earthquake vulnerability.
re-entrant corner
Construction; Seismic safety
Plan irregularity in a diaphragm, such as an extending wing, plan inset, or E-, T-, X-, or L-shaped configuration, where large tensile and compressive forces can develop.