Home > Industry/Domain > Law enforcement; Military > Terrorism
The use of violence and intimidation against innocent civilians in the pursuit of political or religious aims.
Industry: Law enforcement; Military
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car bomb
Law enforcement; Terrorism
An automobile fixed with explosive devices and used as a weapon to kill.
Law enforcement; Terrorism
Person or animal that is potentially a source of infection by carrying an infectious agent without visible symptoms of the disease.
Law enforcement; Terrorism
The smallest unit within a guerrilla or terrorist group. A cell generally consists of two to five people dedicated to a terrorist cause. The formation of cells is born of the concept that an apparent ...
Law enforcement; Terrorism
The country where the USS Cole was attacked, this is also the birthplace of bin Laden's father. In December 2002, a North Korean cargo ship destined for Yemen was seized by Spanish forces. On the ...
Yemeni Congregation for Reform (Islah)
Law enforcement; Terrorism
Fundamentalist Islamic party which opposes the ruling General People's Congress (GPC). Islah is a popular political organization. It's stated objectives are to seek to carry out reforms in all ...
Law enforcement; Terrorism
A Jewish nationalist movement which came into being during the second half of the 19th century in Central and Eastern Europe. Zionists wishes to become free to rebuild a Jewish state in Israel.
zyklon b
Law enforcement; Terrorism
A form of hydrogen cyanide. Symptoms of inhalation include increased respiratory rate, restlessness, headache, and giddiness followed later by convulsions, vomiting, respiratory failure and ...