Home > Industry/Domain > Law enforcement; Military > Terrorism
The use of violence and intimidation against innocent civilians in the pursuit of political or religious aims.
Industry: Law enforcement; Military
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potassium iodide
Law enforcement; Terrorism
FDA-approved nonprescription drug for use as a blocking agent to prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine.
Law enforcement; Terrorism
Publicly denounced U.S. attacks on Afghanistan as "unacceptable" in October, 2001, but allowed American forces to construct a large airbase there in August, 2002. In September, 2002, they offered ...
Qibla and People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD)
Law enforcement; Terrorism
Small radical Islamic group in South Africa led by Achmad Cassiem, who was inspired by Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini. Qibla was founded in the 1980s with the goal of establishing an Islamic state in ...
Law enforcement; Terrorism
The holy book of Islam, considered by Muslims to contain the revelations of God to Mohammed. Also called Koran.
Red Army
Law enforcement; Terrorism
In the late 1980's, the second most dangerous place for a US citizen was Western Europe. The main terrorist organization there at that time was the West German Red Army Faction. The Red Army, founded ...
Republican Guard
Law enforcement; Terrorism
The divisions of Saddam Hussein's army which were closest to him. They were the ones most feared when the U.S. went into Iraq in March, 2003. These 100,000 soldiers were considered the country's most ...
Law enforcement; Terrorism
A stable toxin easily made from the mash that remains after processing Castor beans. At one time, it was used as an oral laxative, castor oil, causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, ...