Contributors in Wind energy
Wind energy
Socio-political acceptance
Energy; Wind energy
refers to the acceptance of both technologies and policies at the most general level. This general level of socio-political acceptance is not limited to the ‘high and stable’ levels of ...
Static load flow calculations
Energy; Wind energy
investigate the risk of system overload, voltage instability and (N-1)-safety problems. System overload occurs when the transmitted power through certain lines or transformers is above the capacity ...
System static voltage instability
Energy; Wind energy
may be caused by a high reactive power demand from wind turbines. Generally speaking, a high reactive power demand causes the system voltage to drop.
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
Energy; Wind energy
is a heavy, pungent, colourless gas formed primarily by the combustion of fossil fuels. It is harmful to human beings and vegetation, and contributes to the acidity in precipitation.
Supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA)
Energy; Wind energy
is the wind farm monitoring system which allows the owner and the turbine manufacturer to be notified of faults or alarms, remotely start and stop turbines, and review operating statistics.
Surface roughness (Zo)
Energy; Wind energy
is a parameter used to describe the roughness of the surface of the ground.
Synchronous area
Energy; Wind energy
an area covered by interconnected systems. These systems’ control areas are synchronously interconnected with the control areas of members of the association. Within a synchronous area the ...