Contributors in Wind energy
Wind energy
Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP)
Energy; Wind energy
a program for predicting wind climate and energy production from wind farms.
Wind farm design tool (WFDT)
Energy; Wind energy
software to aid in the design and optimisation of a wind farm.
Wind home system (WHS)
Energy; Wind energy
a wind-based system to provide basic lighting and entertainment needs to an individual home, with a capacity typically in the range of hundreds of watts.
Wind rose
Energy; Wind energy
a circular diagram giving a visual summary of the relative amounts of wind available in each of a number of direction sectors (often 12) at a given location, and the speed content of that wind.
Wind shear profile (α)
Energy; Wind energy
the increase in wind speed with height above ground or sea level.
Wound rotor
Energy; Wind energy
a type of synchronous electrical machine in which the magnetic field on the rotor is established by passing a current through coils on the rotor. The alternative is to establish the magnetic field ...