Contributors in Wind energy
Wind energy
Decibel (dB)
Energy; Wind energy
is a unit of measurement that is used to indicate the relative amplitude of a sound or the ratio of the signal level such as sound pressure. Sound levels in decibels are calculated on a logarithmic ...
Direct drive
Energy; Wind energy
is a drive-train concept for wind turbines in which there is no gearbox and the wind turbine rotor is connected directly to a low-speed electrical generator.
Direct employment
Energy; Wind energy
is the total number of people employed in companies belonging to a specific sector.
Discount rate
Energy; Wind energy
is the interest rate (in ) used to calculate the equivalent present-day costs or value of future expenditure or income.
Distributed generation
Energy; Wind energy
means single or small clusters of wind turbines spread across the landscape, in contrast to the concentration of wind turbines in large arrays or wind power plants.
Doppler shift principle
Energy; Wind energy
when a source generating waves moves relative to an observer, or when an observer moves relative to a source, there is an apparent shift in frequency. If the distance between the observer and the ...
Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)
Energy; Wind energy
is an electrical machine concept in which variable-speed operation is provided by using a relatively small power electronic converter to control currents in the rotor, such that the rotor does not ...