Contributors in World history
World history
The Thirty-eighth Parallel
History; World history
The Thirty-eighth Parallel is latitude that separates South and North Korea. It was created after the Second World War when the soviet government led by Stalin greatly influenced the North Korea. On ...
History; World history
Is a search for witches or evidence of witchcraft (magic or sorcery, normally associated with the devil). The classical period of witch-hunts in Europe and North America falls into the Early Modern ...
historical criticism
History; World history
Historical criticism is the art of distinguishing the true from the false concerning facts of the past. It has for its object both the documents which have been handed down to us and the facts ...
History; World history
A light 2-wheeled one-horse carriage with a folding leather hood, a large apron, and upward-curving shafts.
History; World history
A small group of people from a larger group with both groups forming a whole.
History; World history
The red traditional Japanese gate entrance to a Shinto shrine which symbolically marks the transition from the profane to the sacred