Home > Blossary: Blogs
Different types of blogs and bloggers - which are you?

Category: Literature

1 Term

Created by: Robert Derbyshire

Number of Blossarys: 4

My Terms
Collected Terms

A blog which is focused on political advocacy (normally) through activist content.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blog wat (normaalweg) op politiese voorspraak deur aktivis-inhoud fokus.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog which collects information from a number of other blogs, presenting the most interesting information in summarised form.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blog wat informasie van ander blogs insamel en die interessantste informasie opsommenderwys aanbied.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

To beg via one's blog, for information or money. A related term is 'blegger'.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Om via jou blog vir informasie of geld te smeek. 'n Verwante term is "blegger".

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A legal blog, written by lawyers or those interested in legal affairs.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Geregtelike blog wat geskryf is deur prokureurs of diegene wat in regskundige sake geïnteresseerd is.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Generally outward-facing blogs run by corporate marketing departments, to communicate with customers and peers, but these can also be blogs written about business issues.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Normaalweg blogs met die gesig na buite wat deur korporatiewe bemarkingsdepartemente bedryf word om met kliënte en kollegas te kommunikeer, maar dit kan ook blogs wees wat oor besigheidsaangeleenthede geskryf is.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A strong repulsion to the idea of writing a blog entry that day.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Sterk afstoting om 'n blog-inskrywing op 'n spesifieke dag te doen.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A visual chart representing the manifold links between blogs and bloggers.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Visuele kaart wat die veelvoudige skakels tussen blogs en bloggers verteenwoordig.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

The intelligentsia in the blogosphere: the most intelligent, famous and read bloggers.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Die intelligentsia op die blogosfeer; die intelligentse, bekendste asook die leesbloggers.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A viewpoint expressed so consistently and stubbornly in a blog that it makes people sick.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Mening wat so aanhoudend en hardnekkig op 'n blog uitgespreek word dat dit die mense siek maak.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog which has an extremely high rate of output of articles.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blog wat 'n uitermatige hoë uitset van artikels/berigte het.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

The anniversary of the establishment of a blog; its "birthday".

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Die Herdenking van die skepping van 'n blog; sy "verjaarsdag".

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A list of links to other blogs, in the sidebar of a blog.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Lys van skakels met ander blogs, op die sybalk.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

An obnoxious commenter in a weblog, who disagrees with all comments given.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Onaangename kommentator op 'n weblog wat nie met alle gegewe kommentare saamstem nie.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

The equivalent of writer's block, this is when a blogger cannot think of anything to write about.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Die ekwivalent van skrywersblok; wanneer 'n blogger nie aan enigiets kan dink om oor te skryf nie.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A regular blog reader who never leaves any comments; alternatively, one who reads many blogs but has none of his or her own.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Gereelde blokleser wat nooit enige kommentaar los nie; alternatiewelik een wat baie blogs lees, maar nie een van sy/haar eie besit nie.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A lesser "meme", this is a concept or point within an article.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Mindere "meme"; 'n konsep of punt in 'n artikel of berig.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Off-topic commercial remarks, made in a blog's comment section, and generally containing links. The comments may seem innocuous, but contain links to dubious sites from the personal details.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Nie-verbandhoudende kommersiële opmerkings wat op 'n blog se kommentaarafdeling gemaak is en normaalweg skakels bevat. Die kommentaar kan wel onskadelik wees, maar bevat skakels tot twyfelagtige webwerwe as gevolg van persoonlike besonderhede.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Visible html or other coding on a page, owing to incorrect coding.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Sigbare html of ander kodering op 'n bladsy, te wyte aan foutiewe kodering.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A biz blog established to communicate the company's viewpoint on a public relations crisis.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Besigheidsblog wat geskep is om die maatskappy se sienswyse ten opsigte van 'n openbare verhoudinge-krisis oor te dra.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog reader who posts comments in the comments section.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blogleser wat kommentaar in die kommentaar-afdeling pos.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Otherwise known as old media, this means printed paper newspapers and magazines.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Andersins bekend as ou media. Staan bekend as gedrukte papier: koerante en tydskrifte.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Consciously leaving out several words from a quotation to launch an attack on the quoted person.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Om bewustelik 'n paar woorde uit 'n aanhaling te los om 'n aanval op die aangehaalde persoon te loods.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Acronym used in online correspondence, where any words communicated should not be posted on the other person's blog.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Akroniem wat in aanlyn-korrespondensie gebruik word waar enige woorde wat gekommunikeer word nie op die ander pesoon se blog gepos moet word nie.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Acronym used in online correspondence, where any words communicated should not be posted on the other person's blog.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Akroniem wat in aanlyn-korrespondensie gebruik word waar enige woorde wat gekommunikeer is nie op die ander persoon se blog gepos moet word nie.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog established to only cover a specific event, generally open only for a limited time.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blog wat geskep is om slegs oor 'n spesifieke gebeurtenis verslag te doen, normaalweg net oop vir 'n bepaalde tyd.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

To use search engines to quickly cheque the validity of a claim made in the press.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Om soekenjins te gebruik om vinnig die geldigheid van 'n bewering in die pers te toets.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Cause hostility, often because of personal comments on the blog

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Om 'n vyandige, dikwels persoonlike opmerking op 'n blog te maak.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A hostile disagreement between two parties, carried out via the Internet.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Vyandige onderonsie tussen twee partye wat via die Internet oorgedra word.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

To smatter a blog with a number of SEO-friendly keywords, to increase Google ranking.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Om 'n blog met 'n mondjievol SEO-vriendelike sleutelwoorde te gee om Google-ranglys te verhoog.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog which is maintained by more than one contributing writer.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blog wat deur meer as een bydraende skrywer in stand gehou word.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A mild addiction to refreshing one's browser to see if the hit counter or comments section on one's blog has increased.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Matige verslawing aan die verfrissing van jou webleser om te sien of die trefslae-leser of kommentaar-afdeling op jou blog vermeerder het.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A dispute about an issue contested between two or more blogs.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Dispuut oor 'n saak wat tussen twee of meer blogs beslis word.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A diary-like blog, the most common type of blog.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Dagboektipe blog, die mees algemeenste tipe blog.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Generally mundane journal bloggers, this can also refer to those who blog exclusively about their cats.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Normaalweg alledaagse bloggers; dit kan ook na diegene verwys wat uitsluitlik oor hul katte blog.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Software and website which rely on users not checking their terms and conditions before consenting, and share their email addresses with spammers.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Sagteware en webwerwe wat op gebruikers staatmaak wat nie hul terme en voorwaardes nagaan nie voordat hulle instem en hul e-posadresse met spammers deel.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Bloggers who prioritise others linking to their blog over everything else.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Bloggers wat ander persone wat na hul blog skakel, bo enigiets anders priotiseer.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

As opposed to the blogosphere, this refers to the conventional, old media.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

In teenstelling met die blogosfeer, verwys hierdie na die konvensionele, ou media.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog run from a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet PC. They are generally photo journals, and not text intensive.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blok wat vanaf 'n mobiele toestel bedryf word, soos 'n slimfoon of tabletrekenaar. Hulle is normaalweg fotojoernale en nie teksgerig nie.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Printed and visual media, such as newspapers and major network television.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Gedrukte en visuele media, soos koerante en groot televisienetwerke.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A link to a specific article in the archives of a blog, which will remain valid after the article is archived.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Skakel na 'n spesifieke berig in die argiewe van 'n blog wat geldig sal bly nadat die berig in die argief geplaas is.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A 'progressive weblog', which expresses left wing political views.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n "Progressiewe webblog" wat linkse politiese sienings weerspieël.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Googling oneself to see one's own prominence and SEO.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Om jouself te Google om jou eie prominensie en SEO te bepaal.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Googling oneself to see one's own prominence and SEO.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Om jouself te Google om jou eie prominensie en SEO te bepaal.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog centred around comic strips, either pertaining to cartoons/comics or featuring graphics of that nature.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blog wat op strokiesprente fokus, hetsy dit verwant is aan strokiesprente, spotprente of grafiese elemente wat dit weerspieël.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog focused on a particular technical subject. Tech blogs are one of the primary forms of blogs.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blog wat op 'n spesifieke tegniese onderwerp fokus. Teg-blogs is een van die primêre vorms van blogs.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A series of comments in the public comment section of a blog, which follow a conversational sequence.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Reeks van kommentare in die publieke komentaar-afdeling van 'n blog, wat 'n gespreksvolgorde volg

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

To post a provocative article, with the sole intention of generating angry response and experiencing higher hit rates.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

Om 'n aanstootlike berig te pos met die uitsluitlike doel om 'n kwaai reaksie te genereer en hoër trefslae te kry.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A test to determine whether a commenting party is a human or a computer program.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Toets om te bepaal of die party waarmee daar gekommunikeer word, 'n mens of 'n rekenaarprogram is.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

A blog which is dedicated to covering terrorism and the war on terrorism, as well as the Middle East conflict.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Blog wat toegewy is om oor terrorisme en die oorlog op terrorisme, sowel as die Midde Ooste-konflik verslag te doen.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

An arrangement between blogs to link to each other.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Reëling tussen blogs om met mekaar te skakel.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

An exchange of links between blogs; if you blogroll to my blog, I will link to yours.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

'n Verruiling van skakels tussen blogs; as jy na my blog blog-rol, sal ek na joune skakel.

Domain: Internet; Category: Social media

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