Contributors in Medical
Medical > Gastroenterology 
Medical; Gastroenterology
Sudden , quick breaths that are immediately cut off by a closing of the throat. These are caused by automatic contracting of the diaphragm.
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Medical; Gastroenterology
A test that uses an x ray to look into the bile and pancreatic ducts. The doctor inserts an endoscope through the mouth into the duodenum and bile ducts. Dye is sent through the ...
pyloric stenosis
Medical; Gastroenterology
A narrowing of the opening between the stomach and the small intestine.
autoimmune hepatitis
Medical; Gastroenterology
A liver disease in which the body’s immune system damages liver cells for unknown reasons.
vagus nerve
Medical; Gastroenterology
The nerve in the stomach that controls the making of stomach acid and stomach emptying.
Medical; Gastroenterology
Problems with swallowing food or liquid, usually caused by blockage or injury to the esophagus.
Medical; Gastroenterology
The solid waste that passes through the rectum as a bowel movement. Feces are undigested food, bacteria, mucus, and dead cells.

- AIDS prevention & treatment (27898)
- Allergies and allergens (238)
- Cardiology (345)
- Chinese medicine ()
- Diagnostic instruments & tests (11198)
- Forensic (207)
- Gastroenterology (12738)
- Gynaecology (272)
- Herbal medicine (15181)
- Histology (965)
- Human genome (10581)
- Illness (3885)
- Medical genetics (8)
- Medical research (3058)
- Medicine (135738)
- Radiology (163)
- Radiotherapy (107)
- Rheumatology (83)
- Stem cell research (1241)
- Viruses (400)